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Most Frequently Asked Questions About the Best Vacuum for Long Hair in 2021


While just about any vacuum cleaner can pick up dust, dirt, and debris, the same cannot be said for long hair. If you want a vacuum that can deal with long hair effectively, you need to purchase special models that are designed for tackling hair.


If you already have one such  Best Vacuum For Long Hair at home, this FAQ article could potentially be very useful.


We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions that our readers have about hair-centric vacuums. Check it out and see if it satisfies any of the questions you might have got!


Can You Vacuum Wet Hair?


Wet hair is a very common problem for hair vacuum users.


It’s going to be all over the floor after your pet played in a puddle and came back inside the house. And for people whose hair sheds often, it’s not unusual to find clumps of wet hair in the bathroom or clogging up the drain.


We understand how tempting it is to bust out your vacuum for long hair and go to town, you really should not.


Damp hair, when sucked into the vacuum, can quickly turn your vacuum moldy. The mold spores will make your vacuum smelly. Over time, they can grow, escape the vacuum and back into the surrounding environment, too.



What Is HEPA Filtering? Is It Worth It?


One of the most important factors while shopping for the Best Vacuum For Human Hair  is a HEPA filtering system.


HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air. Right now, it is the most powerful filtration system that’s commercially available. In order for a filter to be called “HEPA”, it must be able to filter 99.97% of particles with a minimum size of 0.3 microns.


How small is 0.3 microns, exactly? Well, it is more than 200 times smaller than the width of a human hair (70 microns).


At this size, things that a HEPA filter can capture aren’t just dust and dirt particles. The list also includes airborne bacteria and viruses, too.


Your pet’s hair may contain a lot of nasty things and a HEPA filter can help you deal with them. Because of this exact reason, it is one of the must-have features on every best vacuum to pick up hair.


What Accessories Are Useful for Cleaning Up Hair?


Hair contains a static charge, which is how they can cling stubbornly to fabric and carpet piling. A brush tool can help you dislodge these stuck hair, making it easier for your vacuum’s suction to clean them up.


We recommend that you avoid tools that use suction to clean up hair. They are more likely to leave long hair strands behind.


Additionally, while you’re looking for a vacuum for long hair to buy, watch for models that come with any “Pet” tool. These accessories are specifically designed to tackle hair and will be very useful.





Keep these in mind and you will be an expert at using your  Best Vacuum For Hair.


If you have any other question that you would like to ask, leave a comment or send us an email. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

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