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How to gather fabric evenly


When you are sewing some formal dress then, of course, the flare is the priority of the client. The more dress has a flare, the more it will look great in strength. The gathering of the fabric is going to create fullness in the garment and power in your style. As a beginner, while gathering fabric on your best basic sewing machine for beginners , you may have to go through the problem of even gathering.

In this blog, we are going to tell you about a few ways through which you can gather the fabric evenly now.


Zigzag Stitches:

You can gather the fabric perfectly with the help of zigzag stitches. This method can help you in completing the work much faster. Once you have selected the two rows of stitches, now you have to start using the zigzag stitches with the long string stitched with it instead of basting. Keep the settings as long as they can go. Now tie the ends of the strings loosely from both sides.

Gathering Using A Zigzag Stitch Over String Or Heavy Thread


From the other side of the dress, start pulling the strength. If you have used just the right techniques then immediately the whole fabric will be gathered evenly.


Gathering Footer:

You should always have a gathering foot in your sewing kit no matter if you are a beginner or an expert. If you have a gathering foot then you can simply work on the construction instead of preparation. If you are working with the lightweight fabric then gathering foot works best and for the heavy fabric, you may need a ruffler. If you are looking for the best basic sewing machine for beginners then read top beginner sewing machine reviews at CraftsSelection for more information.

I prefer to always check the gathering foot as a test drive before you use it directly on the fabric. Check out the settings as well as how it can work with the various stitches on different fabrics. Once you understand and are satisfied with the performance then you can use it on the projects.


Basting Stitches:

Basting stitches is another way to gather the fabric evenly without making a big mess of it. Sew a line of basting stitches on both sides of the fabric straightly. At the end and start of the point, you should leave the long tails of the thread. Now attach the larger side to the smaller piece with the help of a pin so the gatherings will be distributed evenly. Attach the pin in the center as well.

Now separate the basting stitches and start reducing the fabric to cut down space. Once the whole fabric is gathered evenly pin it. Start to sew two lines of basting stitches and remove the pin from it. Once you are done with the row of stitching, start removing the stitches one by one without damaging the fabric. Repeat the whole process with the second set of basting stitches.


When there are more rows, the gathers have a chance to be more even and controlled



Gathering fabric evenly is not as hard as it seems to be. You should read what is a good sewing machine for beginners to get your hands on the best sewing machine in the market.

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